Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dear Santa

This last week at a Christmas party santa came to visit. Kobe was so excited to sit on his lap and tell him what he wanted. Once he got up there he was so shy he forgot what to say. All he said was "I just want candy". Keaton however shot of a very long list. I hope Santa remembers everything! The boys are so excited for Christmas this year and I just love it. My goal is to be done with everything ( shopping and wrapping ) by December 15th. I still have alot to do but I am determined yo get it done.

Kobe with stage fright!

Keaton giving Santa his long Christmas list.

My 3 favorite little boys!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


We had such a fun night trick-or-treating! Kobe was so cute and would YELL trick or treat at the top of his lungs, and then when they gave him candy he would thank them at least 4 times. Keaton was such a good big brother and would help Kobe up to each house. I of course was not allowed to go up to the door with them I had to stand on the sidewalk. It was just a great night. I just love seeing my boys grow! It is just happening a little too fast! Keaton was going to be warewolf but changed his mind and was an army guy. He looked really cute! Kobe was Mickey mouse and would sing the micky mouse club house theme song whenever anyone would ask what he was.

Getting ready to go trick or treating!

I love my boys!

We went to target after trick or treating and Kobe was out!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My cute boys

I love this time of year! Last week the boys and I made carmel apples. It was alot of fun and it was a great way to start the Halloween / fall season. I am so lucky to have such wonderful kids.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First day of kindergarten

Keaton had his first day of kindergarten yesterday. He was so cute when he was getting ready for his first day. He was so brave and waved to mom and dad before he went into his class. I still can't belive he is old enough to go to school. The house is really calm now during the day. I think Kobe really misses the boys now that they are in school.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Keaton

Today was Keatons 5th Birthday. It seems like it was yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. He brings so much joy and love into our lives. He is always so sweet and is an awesome big brother. We love him soooooo much.

We had his birthday today. It was so much fun he had alot of his good friends come. It was Great to see him with all of his little friends running around having a good time. I did not make his birthday cake this year because I have been so busy, I will just have to make sure next years cake is extra special. We love you Keat!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Keatons puzzle

Keaton put togeather his first puzzle today with grandma Allen. He was so proud of himself! He is just growing up too fast.

-- Tiffany

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Camping trip

This weekend we went camping with my family. When we started planing we were going to rough it. We ended up in a cabin! LOL! We did some fishing, saw a real live moose ( the little boys thought it was so cool), Played cards, and just enjoyed each others company. Keaton took his bike up and rode it every where along with in the river (he forgot to use the breaks)

We had a lot of fun and I love spending time with my fam.

-- Tiffany

Monday, July 20, 2009

Fishing with Grandpa

Yesterday we went fishing with my mom and dad. The boys had alot of funand we caught 4 fish. Thanks mom and dad for a fun day.

-- Tiffany

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Keaton on vacation

This morning Keaton went to California with my sister all by himself. He is going to go to Disneyland, Universal Studios and sea world. He was so excited and I must say I was very jealous of him.

Monday, April 27, 2009

T-Ball Season

Keaton Just started T-ball and is Loving it. His team is the Sidewinders and he can't wait until his first game. This is his second year playing so he is starting to get it. Ryan and I are coaching and it has been alot of fun so far. His first is this week so we will see how it goes :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What a month! WARNING long post

Our crazy month started out with Ryan blowing out his Patella tendon! Yeah let me tell ya it has been peachy. Poor Ryan has been in a lot of pain and been laid up for quite some time. He did it of course while playing basketball! He did it on a Tuesday night and by Friday he was in Surgery and was getting put back together. Ryan's family has been so wonderful with all of there help. Ryan has been recovering pretty well. he is doing physical therapy so hopefully within 6 months he will be able to play again. He will be able to drive tomorrow and I think now our life can begin to get back to normal.

With Ryan doing alot of resting we still snuck in a few fun outings. My sister and I took the boys to discovery gateway and they had a blast. Keaton loved the big legos and all the fun activities and Kobe really enjoyed all the animals. It was tons of fun spending time with my two boys.

I also threw in making a wedding cake to top it all off!

Today the boys colored on the sidewalk with Grandma Allen. We are all so excited for spring. Keaton is so cute he asked "is time to start wearing shorts". He loves being outside so it will be nice to start spending more time outside.
I love my life and all of the people in it!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

New Calling

Today was my first day serving in my new calling in the primary. I was called to be the CTR A teacher. My class is so cute! I have not been to primary since i was 12 so it was a little scary and a huge change for me from being in young women's, or teaching the 17 year old Sunday school class. I think I am really going to enjoy it and Keaton's class sits in front of mine so I can keep him in line.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sick and tired of being sick and tired

Our pore little Kobe has been so sick. We have always been so lucky with keaton because he hardly ever gets sick, but Kobe seems to always have a stuffy nose or a little cough. This past weekend has been just nasty! He has a stuffy nose, booger eyes, and to top it off just when I had him all ready for church he projectile vommited milk all over himself and my bedroom. He is the only one in our family to get a flu shot and the only one getting sick. I just don't get it! The poor kid will wake up from a nap and it will take him 5 minuites to pry his little eyes open because they are sealed shut with nasty boogers. Needles to say cold and flu season cant end fast enough.