Friday, May 21, 2010

3 for 3

So I had my ultrasound this week and we are having another BOY! We are so excited and can't wait. Keaton really wanted a sister but is really happy to know it's a brother. I had a filling it was a boy and was happy to find out I was right. So for now I am still the QUEEN of my castle!! Kobe has been giving us ideas for baby names and I think the funniest one is Bark. We are still debating between a few names but are getting close to making a decision.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Baseball season is in full swing

Keaton season is a few weeks in and he is loving every second of it. He has been playing so well and loves that his best buddy Mc is on his team. Kobe loves watching his big brother play. He can't wait until he can start playing with the big kids. keaton's favorite thing is to chase down the runners and tag them out. Keaton runs so fast he is better off doing that than throwing the ball. His hitting has improved so much and love being the last batter so he can hit the home run.