Sunday, February 1, 2009

New Calling

Today was my first day serving in my new calling in the primary. I was called to be the CTR A teacher. My class is so cute! I have not been to primary since i was 12 so it was a little scary and a huge change for me from being in young women's, or teaching the 17 year old Sunday school class. I think I am really going to enjoy it and Keaton's class sits in front of mine so I can keep him in line.


Nicole and Kevin said...

I love primary. I have been in primary since Kevin and I got married (we have always team taught together). The best are the little kids during sharing time - so cute!

Team Beardshall said...

So fun...I am actually teaching the same class!!! Last week a kid in my class told the funniest joke..knock knock- who's there- OJ...did you know OJ is spanish for orange juice?...What? Fun times ahead. I can only imagine you will be a great teacher!!!

Jami Weight said...

Wow, I stumbled across your blog and have to say that you have adoreable little boys!!! Don't you love boys!!! I have 3 of them. I am glad I found ya guys. I will be sure to pop in.